The Constitution of Colorado is sort of like the rules for the state of Colorado. Just like in school or at home, you may have some rules to follow, like when to go to bed or when you are allowed to play outside. The state of Colorado has these rules too, and they are written down in a special document called the Constitution.
The Constitution has lots of important information about how people who live in Colorado should behave and what the government can and cannot do. It also talks about how the government should work and how it should be set up.
For example, it says that there should be three branches of government: the executive branch which is responsible for enforcing laws, the legislative branch which makes the laws, and the judicial branch which interprets the laws. Each of these branches has specific duties and responsibilities, kind of like how different people have different jobs in a team.
The Constitution also talks about voters, who are the people who live in Colorado and get to vote for important things like who the governor is, and whether or not a new law should be passed. The Constitution says that these voters have certain rights, like the right to be able to vote without anyone interfering, and the right to express their opinions without being punished.
So, in short, the Constitution of Colorado is like a special set of rules that tells the government how to work and how people who live in Colorado should behave.