Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what is the Constitution of South Korea.
You know how when you play a game with your friends, you have to follow some rules to make sure that everyone is playing the game fairly? Well, the constitution is just like the rules of the game, but for the whole country.
The Constitution of South Korea is a special document that explains how the government should work, what rights and responsibilities people have, and how everything should be done in the country. It was first written in 1948 and has been updated a few times since then.
The Constitution of South Korea gives power to the people of the country, which means that people get to have a say in how the government works. It also has three parts, just like a storybook: the Preamble, the Articles, and the Supplementary Provisions.
The Preamble is like the introduction, and it explains why the Constitution was made and for what reasons. The Articles are like the main part of the story, and they set out all the rules that the government has to follow. They explain what the government can and can't do, and what the rights of the people are.
The Supplementary Provisions are like the extra bits at the end of the book, and they explain things that are not covered in the other parts. For example, they might explain how the Constitution can be changed, or they might set out rules for how different parts of the government work together.
So there you have it, kiddo. The Constitution is like the rulebook for the country, and it helps make sure that everything is done fairly and everyone's rights are protected.