ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Constructive heuristic

A constructive heuristic is like a game where you start with some pieces and you have to build something. Let's say your puzzle has cars, trucks, and buildings, but you want to build a parking lot. You can't just grab any piece and put it anywhere, you need to follow some rules to build what you want.

A constructive heuristic is a set of rules that help you build something specific. It tells you what pieces to use and where to put them. It's like a map that guides you through the process. With the parking lot, the rules might be to start by placing the buildings at the edges, put the cars in the middle, and leave space for the trucks to drive around.

Constructive heuristics are used in lots of places, like manufacturing, logistics, and computer science. They help people build things faster and more efficiently, because they know exactly what to do and how to do it. They're like a recipe, but for building things instead of cooking.