ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Local search (optimization)

Local search, also known as optimization, is when you try to find the best solution to a problem by trying different things over and over again until you find the best one.

For example, imagine you are trying to find the perfect burger in your town. You could try every single burger place until you find the best one, but that would take a very long time. Instead, you can use local search.

This means you start at one burger place and try their burger. Then, you make a small change, like adding or removing a sauce, and see if it makes the burger better or worse. If it makes it better, you keep that change and make another small change, like changing the type of cheese. You keep doing this until you find the best possible burger at that one place.

Once you've found the best burger at that place, you move on to the next burger place and start the process again. Eventually, you will have tried all the burger places in town and found the best burger at each place.

Local search can be used in many different areas, not just finding the best burger. It can be used in business to find the best pricing strategy or in logistics to find the most efficient delivery routes.