ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Consumer Goods Forum

Hey kiddo, have you ever heard of a Consumer Goods Forum? No? Well, it’s like a big club where companies that make things you can buy at a store come together to talk about how they can make those things better for you, the customer.

You know how you go to the store with your parents and there are aisles and aisles of different products? Those products are made by companies, and they want to make sure they are making the best products possible. So, they join the Consumer Goods Forum to figure out how to do that.

At these meetings, companies share ideas and work together to find better ways to make products. They also talk about things like sustainability, which means making sure that they’re not hurting the environment when they make their products.

Another thing they talk about is how to make sure that the people who work for these companies are treated fairly and with respect. They want everyone to feel happy and safe while making the things you buy at the store.

So, the Consumer Goods Forum is kind of like a big group of smart people who all want to work together to make better and safer products for you and everyone else to buy. Cool, right?