ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Continuation means to continue doing something without stopping. You know how sometimes you are playing outside and you really don't want to come inside, so you ask your parents if you can have a few more minutes to play? That's a continuation! It means you get to keep playing instead of stopping right away.

Continuation is also a big word that grown-ups use when they talk about stories or movies or books. Have you ever read a book that was so exciting, you just had to keep reading to find out what happened next? Well, that's because the author used "continuation" to keep the story going. They didn't stop telling the story once the problem was solved or the hero won the battle. Instead, they kept going, showing us what happened afterwards, and how the characters grew and changed.

So, continuation is all about not stopping when you could, because you want to see where things go next!