ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Continuous data protection

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy box full of your favorite toys. Every time you play with them, you add new toys to the box to make it even more fun to play with. Now, imagine you have a magical camera that takes pictures of your toy box every few seconds. This is like continuous data protection.

Continuous data protection (CDP) is when a computer system takes regular snapshots of data as it changes. It's like taking pictures of your toy box every time you add or remove a toy. This way, if something goes wrong, like your little brother spills milk on your toy box, you can go back to the pictures and see exactly how the toy box looked before the milk was spilled.

CDP is important for businesses because it helps prevent loss of important data. Imagine if a company's computer system crashes and all the data is lost. This would be very bad! But if the system is using CDP, the company can go back to a snapshot that was taken just a few minutes before the crash and restore all the data.

So, CDP is like having a magical camera that takes pictures of data so you can always go back to an earlier version if something goes wrong. Just like how you can go back to pictures of your toy box to see what it looked like before your brother spilled milk on it!