Contraceptive security means making sure that everyone who needs to use birth control can get it whenever they want to. Just like we need food and water to survive, many people need birth control to have the kind of life they want. Contraceptive security tries to make sure that nobody is left without birth control just because they can't afford it or live in a place where it's hard to find.
Think of it like a grocery store. Imagine if somebody's grocery store didn't have enough food for everybody who wanted to buy it, or if the food was too expensive for some people to afford. Those people might go hungry, and that would be a big problem. Contraceptive security is like making sure the grocery store has enough food for everybody, and that it's affordable.
Contraceptive security can be a big challenge in some parts of the world, especially in places where there's not enough money to buy birth control or where there aren't enough doctors or nurses to help people understand how to use it. But it's an important goal because when people don't have access to birth control, they may end up having babies before they're ready, which can make it harder for them to finish school, get a job, or take care of themselves and their families. By making sure everyone has access to birth control, we can help people have more control over their own lives and make the world a better place for everyone.