ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Contract law

Okay kiddo, let me explain what contract law is all about!

You know how sometimes you make promises to your friends or family? Like saying you’ll share your toys if they let you play with theirs? That’s kind of like making a contract.

A contract is like a promise between two or more people to do something. But it’s a special kind of promise that the law takes very seriously.

In grown-up land, contracts are usually written down on a piece of paper and signed by both parties. That way, everyone knows what they’re agreeing to and there’s proof of the promise.

And when people make a promise like that, they’re expected to keep it. If they don’t, there can be consequences.

If someone breaks a contract, the other person can go to court to try and make them keep their promise. It’s like asking the teacher to help you when someone breaks a promise at school.

So, that’s contract law – it’s all about keeping promises and making sure people follow through on their agreements. Simple, right?