ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Contract of sale

Hey kiddo! Do you know what a contract is? No? Okay, so let me explain it to you first before we talk about the contract of sale.

A contract is like an agreement between two or more people. You know how you and your friend promise not to tell anyone about each other's secrets? That's kind of like a contract - you both agree to keep something a secret.

Now, let's talk about the contract of sale. This is a special type of contract where one person agrees to sell something to another person. Let's say you have a toy that you don't like anymore and your friend really wants it. You both agree that your friend will give you some candy in exchange for the toy. That's a contract of sale!

But there are a few important things that need to be included in a contract of sale. First, the agreement has to be written down or at least recorded in some way so that everyone remembers what was said. Second, there has to be a clear description of the thing being sold. In our example, we would write down that the toy being sold is a blue stuffed bear with a red bowtie. Finally, the contract has to state the price of the thing being sold. In our example, the price would be "one piece of candy."

Once everything is written down and agreed upon, both parties have to sign the contract. Then, the person selling the item (in our example, you) has to give the item to the person buying it (your friend) and the person buying it has to give the agreed upon price (one piece of candy).

That's pretty much it, kiddo! A contract of sale is just an agreement to sell something at a certain price with all the details written down.