ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cooking banana

Okay kiddo, let's talk about cooking bananas! You know those big yellow bananas that you like to eat for a snack? Well, cooking bananas are kind of like them, but they're not so sweet and tasty when you eat them raw.

Cooking bananas, also known as plantains, are a type of banana that people use in cooking. They come in different sizes and colors, but most of them are big and green.

When people cook with bananas, they usually peel them first and then slice them up into pieces. Then, they can cook them in a lot of different ways, like boiling, frying, or baking.

Some people like to fry the banana slices until they turn golden brown and crispy, kind of like french fries! Others like to mash them up and turn them into a kind of dough that they can use to make things like empanadas or dumplings.

The reason people use cooking bananas instead of regular bananas is that cooking bananas are less sweet and more starchy. This means they don't taste as good on their own, but they're really good at soaking up other flavors. So when you cook them with other ingredients, they help give the dish a lot of flavor and texture!