ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coptic Egypt: The Christians of the Nile

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of Egypt? It’s a country in Africa that has a really long history. A long time ago, before your grandparents were even born, there were some people who lived there called the Coptic Egyptians. They were a special group of people who followed a certain religion called Christianity.

You know how we celebrate Christmas and Easter? Well, the Coptic Egyptians celebrated those holidays too, but they did it a little bit differently than we do. They had their own special calendar, which is like a big chart that helps them know which day it is. It was called the Coptic calendar, and it was really important to them.

The Coptic Egyptians were also really good at building things. They built big churches and monasteries where they would go to pray and sing songs. They had their own special language called Coptic, and they used it to write down prayers and stories about their religion.

But being a Christian in Egypt wasn’t always easy. Some people didn’t like the Coptic Egyptians just because they were different. They would sometimes hurt or even kill them. Can you imagine how scary that would be?

But the Coptic Egyptians were really strong and brave. They didn’t let the bad people stop them from practicing their religion and living their lives. And today, there are still lots of Coptic Christians in Egypt, who are proud of their history and their beliefs.