ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Copyright and Related Rights Regulations 2003

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about copyright and related rights regulations 2003 in a way you can understand.

When someone creates something like a song, a book, or a picture, it's their own special creation. It's like when you color a picture at school - nobody can take credit for your coloring work because it's your very own!

But some other people might want to use that special creation for their own purposes. Maybe they want to use a picture you drew for a school project, or maybe they want to make money from a song you wrote.

That's where copyright comes in. It's a way to protect the person who created something from having other people use it without permission or without giving credit.

In 2003, some new rules were made to help protect creators even more. These are called the copyright and related rights regulations for that year.

The regulations set out a bunch of different rules to make sure creators get paid for their work when other people use it. It's like if you let a friend use your pencil crayons to finish a picture, you might ask them to give you a crayon back or maybe buy you a snack to say thank you.

The regulations also make sure that people who want to use someone else's work have to get permission first. That way, the person who made the special creation gets to decide if they want to let someone else use it or not.

So, copyright and related rights regulations 2003 are a set of rules that help protect people who create special things and make sure they get the credit and payment they deserve.