ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Core Research Center

Imagine a big library with books, but instead of books, there are special rocks, fossils, and other important things. This library is called a Core Research Center. Scientists go to the Core Research Center to borrow these special rocks and other things to study and learn more about the Earth.

These rocks come from deep down in the Earth's crust, they are like mini time capsules that tell us what happened a really long time ago. Scientists can study them and learn how the Earth has changed over time.

The Core Research Center takes care of all these special rocks and things, so they are safe and easy to find when scientists need them. Think of it like a very organized toy box. When a scientist wants to borrow a rock, they can go to the Core Research Center and ask the person in charge, who will then help them find the rock they need.

So, the Core Research Center is like a very important library for scientists who want to study rocks and learn more about the Earth's history.