ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Core ontology

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy box filled with different types of toys like dolls, cars, and building blocks. The toy box is like a big collection of things.

Now let's talk about something called a "core ontology."

An ontology is a way to organize different types of things to help people understand them better. Just like you organize your toys in your toy box, people organize things in different ways to help explain them.

The "core" part of the core ontology means it's the most important things in a certain category. So if we were talking about toys, the "core" toys might be the ones that a lot of kids play with all the time, like a ball or a bike.

In other fields, like technology or science, the core ontology might include the most important concepts or ideas.

So, a core ontology is a way to organize the most important ideas or things in a category to help people understand them better. Just like you organize your toys in your toy box, people organize ideas in a core ontology to help explain them.
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