Imagine a big circle with two smaller circles inside. The big circle is called the "core" and the smaller circles are called the "periphery." The core is the most important part and the periphery is less important.
In the world, some countries are part of the core and some are part of the periphery. The countries that are part of the core have more power, money, and resources. They are also more developed than the countries that are part of the periphery. The countries that are part of the periphery are usually poorer and have fewer resources.
The countries in the core use the resources from the periphery to become even stronger and more developed. This means that the core gets richer while the periphery gets poorer. Sometimes, the periphery tries to become part of the core by improving their own resources and becoming more developed. This is not always easy because it can take a long time and a lot of hard work.
Overall, the core-periphery is a way to describe the relationship between the most powerful and wealthiest countries (the core) and the less powerful and poorer countries (the periphery) that are connected to them.