ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Core–shell semiconductor nanocrystal

So imagine you have a really tiny ball and inside that ball is another tiny ball. Now, let's say that both these tiny balls are made up of different materials that behave differently when you shine light on them. The outside ball is called the "core" and the inside ball is called the "shell". They're so tiny that you can only see them with a super powerful microscope.

Now, these tiny balls are made of a special material called a "semiconductor". This means they can conduct electricity but only under certain conditions. When you shine light on them, they get a little bit excited and start to conduct electricity. But since the core and the shell are made of different materials, when light is shone on them, they behave differently.

So, when you shine light on the core-shell nanocrystal, each component (the core and the shell) will respond differently to the light. This difference in response can be used for a variety of applications, like making solar panels or LED lights. Essentially, the core-shell semiconductor nanocrystal is a really tiny but super cool material that can harness the power of light.