ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me explain cornershot to you. Have you ever played hide and seek and had to peek around a corner to see if someone was there? Well, cornershot is kind of like that but for grown-ups who have to be extra careful when they peek around corners because it could be dangerous.

Imagine you're a police officer trying to catch a bad guy who is hiding around a corner. You don't want to just blindly stick your head out and get shot, right? So, cornershot is a special tool that helps you see what's around the corner without putting yourself in harm's way.

It's a gadget that has a little camera attached to it with a monitor that shows you what's going on around the corner. And the cool part is that you can actually move the camera so you can see things from different angles. So, if there's a bad guy on the other side of the corner, you can see where they are and what they're doing without even having to put your head out.

Cornershot is a really helpful tool for police officers and soldiers who have to be extra careful when they're trying to catch bad guys in dangerous situations. And now you know all about it!