ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Corporate governance of information technology

Okay kiddo, let me explain what corporate governance of information technology is in a simple way so you can understand it easily.

Imagine you have a toy box and you like to play with lots of different toys. But sometimes, you need to have some rules to make sure you don't break your toys or make a mess.

When companies use a lot of technology tools and gadgets to do their jobs, they also need some rules to make sure they are using them correctly and safely. That's where corporate governance of information technology comes in.

It's a set of rules, policies and procedures that companies use to make sure they are using technology in the right way. It's like having someone in charge of the toy box who can help make sure you play nicely with the toys and keep them in good condition.

Corporate governance of information technology helps companies to make sure that their information is safe and secure, that they are using technology to do things efficiently and effectively, and that they are following the laws and regulations related to technology.

So, just like your toy box needs rules to keep you safe and happy while you play, companies need corporate governance of information technology to make sure they can use technology in the right way and succeed at their jobs.