ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Corporate services

Okay, so imagine you have a big toy box with lots of toys. You want to share your toys with your friends, but you don't want them to get lost or broken. So, you ask your mom or dad to help you keep track of your toys and make sure they're all in good shape.

Now, businesses are kind of like toy boxes. They have lots of things they need to keep track of and take care of, like money, paperwork, and legal stuff. That's where corporate services come in.

Corporate services are like grown-up helpers who work for businesses. They help with things like managing money, handling paperwork, and making sure the business follows the rules and laws. They're kind of like a team of moms and dads who take care of the toy box.

Some examples of corporate services include accounting (keeping track of money), legal services (helping the business follow the law), human resources (managing employees), and marketing (promoting the business to customers).

Overall, corporate services are important because they help businesses run smoothly and take care of all the important stuff so the business can focus on making and selling their products or services.