Imagine you are playing a game with the whole universe. It's called the Cosmic Jackpot.
In this game, every star, planet, and galaxy is a ticket. Each ticket has a number on it, and if a bunch of these numbers match, then someone wins the Cosmic Jackpot!
Now, the numbers on the tickets are actually the laws of physics that govern the universe. These laws determine how everything in the universe behaves and interacts with each other.
Scientists have spent a lot of time studying these laws and trying to figure out how they work together to create the universe we see today. And they have found that everything has to be just right for the Cosmic Jackpot to be won.
For example, the force of gravity has to be just strong enough to hold planets and stars together, but not so strong that they collapse in on themselves. And the ratio of matter to antimatter has to be exactly equal, or else the universe would have exploded into nothingness at the beginning.
So, basically, the Cosmic Jackpot is the idea that the universe is just perfect enough for life to exist. And we're lucky enough to be living in it!