ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cost Per Click

Okay kiddo, have you ever clicked on an ad while playing a game or watching a video online? When you click on that ad, you help the person behind the ad (usually a company) get more people to see their website or buy their product.

Now, every time someone clicks on that ad, the person behind it has to pay a little bit of money. That's what we call "cost per click" or CPC for short. Think of it like a small fee you have to pay when you want someone to visit your website or buy your product.

So, if a company wants more people to visit their website or buy their product, they might decide to run an ad campaign and pay for every time someone clicks on their ad. This way, they know they're only paying for people who are actually interested in what they have to offer.

Overall, cost per click is just a way for companies to reach more people and get them to visit their website or buy their product by paying a little fee every time someone clicks on their ad.