Okay, so you know how sometimes when you go to buy something, like a toy or yummy treats, there are different stores that sell it for different prices?
Cost leadership is when a store, like a toy shop or candy store, tries to be the one that sells things for the cheapest price. They want to be the knight in shining armor to all the kids who want to buy toys and treats but don't want to spend too much of their pocket money.
To be the cheapest, these stores have to be really good at two things:
1. Figuring out how to make things cheaper: They might use less expensive materials or use a different way to make the toys or treats so that they aren't as expensive to produce.
2. Being really good at being organized: The store has to make sure they are doing everything in the most efficient way possible, so they don't waste money. They might do things like use computers to track inventory and buy in bulk to save money.
These stores also need to be really good at advertising so people know they have the best prices. That way, lots of people come to buy their toys and treats, and they can make enough money to stay in business.
So, that's cost leadership! Being the store that sells things for the cheapest price, by being really good at organizing and finding ways to save money.