ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Costas loop

A Costas loop is like a magic tool that helps people who speak and listen to radios make sure they are getting the right signal. Just like how you need a map to find your way to a new place, a radio needs a special map to find the right signal for a radio station. The Costas loop is like that special map for the radio.

A Costas loop is a little machine inside a radio that helps it stay on track and not lose the signal from the radio station. It works by checking lots of things at once and making sure they are all okay. Just like how you might check if you have all your school books before leaving for school, the Costas loop checks if the radio is getting the right things it needs to keep playing the radio station.

If something goes wrong and the radio starts playing the wrong radio station, the Costas loop will help fix it. It's like having a superhero with special powers who can fix your radio if it gets lost.

Overall, a Costas loop is an important part of a radio that helps it stay on track and keep playing the right radio station.