ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Court of cassation

Hey kiddo! Today I'm going to explain to you what the Court of Cassation is. The Court of Cassation is a really important place in a country's legal system. It's kind of like the boss of all the other courts. The Court of Cassation is responsible for making sure that all the lower courts follow the rules and are doing their job correctly.

Imagine that you are playing a game of tag with your friends. If one of your friends cheats and doesn't follow the rules of the game, it's not very fair, right? The same thing can happen in a court case. Sometimes, the lower courts make mistakes or don't follow the rules, and this can make the outcome of a case unfair.

The Court of Cassation is like the referee in the game of tag. Its job is to make sure that all the players (or courts) are following the rules. If it looks like a lower court made a mistake or didn't follow the rules, the Court of Cassation can step in and change the decision. This helps to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and that the law is applied correctly.

Just like a referee, the Court of Cassation isn't there to take sides or to decide who wins or loses. Instead, its job is to make sure that everyone is playing by the same rules. This is really important because it helps to make sure that justice is served and that everyone is treated fairly.