ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Court show

Have you ever watched a court show on TV? It's like a game where two sides argue, but instead of points, they're trying to win a judgment from a judge. Have you ever asked your mom or dad to make a fair decision when you and someone else were fighting? That's what the judge does.

The people who are on the show are called plaintiffs and defendants. The plaintiff is the person who says that something bad happened to them and wants the judge to make the person who they say did it give them money or fix the problem. The defendant is the person who the plaintiff thinks did the bad thing, and they have to try to convince the judge that they didn't do it or that it wasn't their fault.

But before the judge can make a decision, both sides have to explain their story and show evidence to prove their point. Evidence is like clues that can help the judge figure out what really happened. For example, if the plaintiff says that someone crashed into their car and caused damage, they need to show pictures of the car and a report from a mechanic to prove that the damage was caused by the accident. The defendant can argue that the damage was already there before the accident or that someone else caused it.

The judge will listen to both sides and look at the evidence before making a decision. Sometimes, the judge will ask the plaintiff or the defendant questions to help them understand the details of the case. After listening and thinking, the judge will come up with a decision - this is called a judgment. If the plaintiff wins, the defendant will have to pay the money or fix the problem, and if the defendant wins, they won't have to do anything.

So, court shows are like pretend courts where people argue and try to convince a judge to make a decision in their favor. It's like playing a game of telling stories with evidence, and the judge is the person who decides who wins.
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