ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, imagine you and your friend have been arguing over who gets to play with a toy. You both can't agree on who it belongs to so you decide to ask a grown-up to help you figure it out. That grown-up is like a judge, and the place where you ask them to help you figure out who gets to play with the toy is like a courtroom.

In a courtroom, there are two sides: one side that thinks they're right (like you or your friend) and one side that thinks they're also right (like your friend). The judge listens to both sides and tries to figure out who is telling the truth and who is wrong. They look at evidence, like who had the toy first or who has been taking care of the toy, and they ask questions to make sure they understand what's happening.

The judge's job is to make a decision that is fair and follows the rules. Sometimes, the judge might say one person is right and the other is wrong, or they might come up with a solution that's fair for both people. Whatever the decision is, everyone in the courtroom has to agree to follow it. And that's how a courtroom works!