ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Creative class

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of the different jobs that people can have? Well, some people have jobs where they use their imagination and creativity to make something new or to solve a problem. We call these people the "creative class".

Members of the creative class can be writers, artists, musicians, designers, architects, scientists, and even programmers. They use their unique talents to come up with new ideas, designs, or concepts. They bring their creativity to the work they do and are often very passionate about what they create.

Now, let's think about a city. A city has lots of different types of jobs and industries, like factories, offices, restaurants, and stores. But, some cities also have a lot of people working in creative jobs. These cities are called "creative cities".

Creative cities attract these creative people. They have lots of places for them to work and live, like art galleries, music venues, theaters, and parks. The cities also have lots of opportunities for people to collaborate and share their ideas with each other.

Having a lot of creative people in a city can also help the economy. Creative people often start their own businesses or work for small companies that create new products or services. These businesses can help create jobs and attract even more people to the city.

So, in short, the "creative class" are people who use their imagination and creativity to do their jobs, and "creative cities" are places that attract a lot of these creative people.