ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Credit is a word that grown-ups use to talk about borrowing money. You know how sometimes you might want to buy something that costs too much money for you to have right now? Like a fancy toy, a big trip, or a new video game? Well, sometimes, grown-ups use credit to help them buy those things even if they don’t have all the money right now.

Credit works kind of like a promise. When you use credit, you’re making a promise to the person who lends you money that you’ll pay them back. And, like any promise, you have to be able to keep it! This means that when you use credit, you have to plan really carefully so that you can make sure you’ll be able to pay back the money you borrow on time.

When you want to use credit, you have to ask someone to lend you money. This person can be a special company called a bank, or it could be a credit card company. When they say yes, they’ll give you the money you need to buy your thing, but they’ll also make you sign a paper that says you’ll pay them back. This paper is called a contract.

Sometimes, the person or company will also ask you to pay them extra money for the privilege of borrowing money from them. This is called interest. It’s like a little bonus that they get for being nice enough to lend you money. But, like a promise, you also have to make sure you can pay back the interest too, so you don’t end up owing more money than you can afford.

One really important thing about credit is that you shouldn’t use it too much. Just like you can’t eat too much candy, using too much credit can be really bad for you. This is because if you borrow too much money and then can’t pay it back on time, the person or company you borrowed the money from will get really upset with you. This could hurt your credit score, which is like a special grade grown-ups use to see if you’re good at keeping promises. So, it’s really important to only use credit if you really need to and if you know you can pay it back on time.