ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Creen v Wright

Okay kiddo, have you ever watched a basketball game? Well, sometimes when the players are trying to score a basket, they jump up and try to stop the other player from scoring. This is called "blocking."

Now, imagine two players, Creen and Wright. Creen tries to score a basket, but Wright jumps up and blocks him. Creen thinks Wright did something wrong and should be punished.

So they go to a judge who listens to their arguments and looks at the video footage of the game. The judge has to decide if Wright did something wrong and if he should be punished.

In legal terms, this is called a "case." Creen is the person who is making the accusation, or the "plaintiff." Wright is the person who is being accused, or the "defendant."

The case of Creen v Wright is about whether or not Wright's block was a foul or if it was a legal play. This is important because if Wright did commit a foul, he could be penalized or his team could lose points.

The judge listens to all the arguments and looks at the evidence (the video footage) to make a decision. This is just like how a teacher or parent would listen to both sides when two kids are arguing about something.

In the end, the judge decides whether or not Wright's block was a foul or a legal play, and both players have to accept the judge's decision. The game goes on and the players continue to play, but this case is now a part of basketball history!