ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crime of Gádor

Okay kiddo, so do you know what a crime is? It's when someone does something that is very bad and against the law. And there is a specific crime called "gádor" which is a bit different from other crimes.

Gádor is actually a type of theft that happens in Spain. In this crime, someone steals fruits or vegetables that are growing on someone else's land. But here's the catch, the person who steals these fruits and vegetables has to do it without damaging the plants or trees they come from.

Now, why is this a crime? Well, it's because those fruits and vegetables belong to someone else, and the thief is taking them without the owner's permission. Even though the thief isn't damaging the plants, they are still stealing from someone and that's not okay.

So, remember kiddo, don't take things that don't belong to you, even if you don't damage anything in the process!