ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crimean Goths

Okay kiddo, do you want to learn about the Crimean Goths? Well, the Goths were a group of people who lived a really long time ago, around 200-400 AD. They had their own language, religion, and culture.

Now, the Crimean Goths were a specific group of Goths who lived in an area now called the Crimean Peninsula, which is a piece of land that sticks out into the Black Sea. They had their own kingdom there for a while but eventually, some other people came along and took over their land. This happened because people would often fight over land and resources back then.

After the Crimean Goths lost their kingdom, some of them went to other places to live and some of them stayed in the Crimean Peninsula, but eventually, their culture blended in with others in the area, so the Crimean Goths don't really exist as a separate group anymore.

So, that's the story of the Crimean Goths - a group of people who lived a long time ago, had their own kingdom, but lost it to other people over time.