ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Criminal Procedure Code (Malaysia)

Okay kiddo, let me explain what the criminal procedure code in Malaysia means.

Whenever someone does something wrong, which is called a crime, there needs to be a way to investigate and punish them for it. That's where the criminal procedure code comes in. It's a set of rules and guidelines that helps everyone involved in the process, like the police, lawyers, judges, and accused person, to understand what to do and what their rights are.

First of all, if someone is suspected of committing a crime, the police will investigate and gather evidence. They have to follow certain rules, like getting a warrant if they need to search someone's property, and not using force or torture to get information.

If the police think they have enough evidence, they will bring the person to court. The accused person has the right to a lawyer, who will help them defend themselves. The court will listen to both sides, and if they find the person guilty, they will be punished according to the law.

But even if someone is accused of a crime, they still have certain rights. They have the right to remain silent and not incriminate themselves, and they can't be punished until they are proven guilty in court. They also have the right to know what they are being accused of and to have access to all the evidence against them.

So basically, the criminal procedure code in Malaysia is a set of rules that makes sure everyone involved in the criminal process follows fair and just procedures, and that the rights of accused persons are protected.