ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey there kiddo! Have you ever seen those ads for a toy that show up when you're watching a cartoon on TV? Or maybe you've noticed that your favorite video game has some special content from another game that you can play too? That's called cross-promotion!

Basically, it's when two different companies or products work together to help each other out. They might do this by advertising each other, or by sharing something special that only people who use both products can get. It's like when you and your best friend share your favorite snacks with each other!

For example, let's say there's a new movie coming out that you really want to see. The movie company might work with a restaurant chain to offer special themed meals that match the movie's theme. Then, when people go to that restaurant to eat, they might see posters or commercials for the movie and get even more excited about seeing it!

Cross-promotion can help both companies or products get more attention and make more money. And it can be really fun for people who like both things because they get to enjoy something special that not everyone else can. Pretty cool, right?