ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crosscap number

Imagine you have a piece of paper. You draw a line on it that starts from one point and ends at another point. This line is called an edge. Now, if you connect the edges together in a certain way, you can make a shape. This shape is called a surface.

Now, let's say you have a surface that has no edges or corners. It's like a balloon without any holes in it. This surface is called a sphere.

But what if you take that surface and twist it in a certain way? You can make a new surface, called a torus, which looks like a doughnut. This surface has edges and corners, but it's still smooth and can be connected.

The crosscap number is a way of measuring how many times you need to twist a certain surface to make a new surface. It's like measuring how many times you need to twist a rubber band to turn it into a figure eight.

So, for example, if you take a sphere and twist it once, you get a new surface called a real projective plane. This surface has one crosscap.

The crosscap number can be a helpful tool for mathematicians to study different surfaces and their properties. It's a way of understanding how surfaces can be transformed and connected in different ways.