ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crown shyness

Hey kiddo! So, do you know what crown shyness is? It's a really cool natural phenomenon that happens when trees grow really close to each other in a forest.

You see, every tree wants to get a little bit of sunshine so it can grow big and strong! But when the trees are bunched together, they start to touch each other with their branches.

Crown shyness is what happens when the tops of the trees (called the canopy) don't touch each other even though their branches do. It creates a really cool effect where you can see spaces between the leaves of the trees.

Scientists aren't exactly sure why this happens, but they think it might be because the trees need to protect themselves from disease and pests. By not touching other trees, they reduce the chance of their leaves rubbing together and spreading sickness.

So next time you're in a forest, take a look up and see if you can spot some crown shyness for yourself!