ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Crozets de Savoie

Crozets de Savoie are a type of pasta that comes from a place called Savoie in France. They're like tiny little squares made out of flour and water. Just like how you can make shapes with playdough, you can make shapes with pasta dough too! The people in Savoie use a special tool to cut their pasta dough into the shape of tiny squares.

You can cook crozets de Savoie by boiling them in water, just like you would cook regular pasta. Once they're all soft and cooked, you can eat them with sauce or cheese or anything else you like to eat with pasta.

Crozets de Savoie are a very special kind of pasta because they're made in a very specific way by people who have been making them for many, many years. They're a tasty and unique treat that you might not find anywhere else!