ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cuestión moral: si el chocolate quebranta el ayuno eclesiástico

Ok, imagine that your mom says you can't eat candy before dinner because you need to save room for your healthy food. But then, if you eat lots of candy, you might not be hungry for your dinner and your mom might get upset.

So, the Catholic Church has similar rules about food, but instead of just being about being hungry or saving room, it's about showing respect for God and religion. They have a special time called Lent, where people try to be more mindful about their behavior and show their devotion to God.

During this time, people are supposed to fast or give up certain foods as a way to show their dedication to their faith. One of the foods that some people give up is chocolate, because it can be seen as a treat or luxury food.

Now, the question is whether or not eating chocolate during Lent counts as breaking the rules for fasting. Some people might think that it does, because it's something you gave up and should avoid. Others might argue that it doesn't, because chocolate isn't a necessary food and it's not like you're breaking a rule about food that's needed for survival.

So, the answer to whether or not chocolate breaks the rules for fasting during Lent is not really clear cut. It really depends on how you interpret the rules and what your personal beliefs are.