ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cuisenaire rods

Cuisenaire rods are special toys that help you learn about numbers and math. They are small blocks that come in different colors and lengths. The shortest block is one unit long, and the longest block is ten units long.

When you play with Cuisenaire rods, you can line them up from smallest to biggest or use them to build patterns and structures. You can also use them to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

For example, if you have three green blocks that are two units long and put them next to each other, they will be the same length as one yellow block that is six units long. You can see that three times two equals six.

Cuisenaire rods are great for visual learners because they help you see the relationships between numbers. They are also fun to play with and can help make learning math more enjoyable.
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