ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cultural determinism

Cultural determinism means that the culture you grow up in can have a big impact on the things you do and the way you think. It's kind of like how your family might have certain traditions or ways of doing things that you learn and follow because that's just how things are in your family. The culture you grow up in might have traditions or beliefs or values that are different from other cultures, and those things can affect the way you behave and think. For example, in some cultures it's considered rude to show the bottoms of your feet, so people always keep their feet covered or tucked under them. In other cultures, it's considered polite to burp after a meal to show the host that you enjoyed the food. These are just small examples, but cultural determinism can affect things that are much more important, like how people are treated or what opportunities they have. It's important to remember that cultural determinism doesn't mean that people in one culture are all the same and can't change - people are still individuals who can make choices and impact their own lives. But it does mean that culture can play a big role in shaping people's experiences and perspectives.