ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cultural travel

Hi there! So, do you know what culture means? It's a way of life of a group of people. They have their own traditions, beliefs, and customs that they follow. Cultural travel simply means traveling to experience and learn about different cultures around the world.

Let's say you want to visit Japan. You might pack your bags and fly to Tokyo, which is the capital city of Japan. Once you're there, you can explore the city and see things like temples, museums, and festivals. You might try eating new foods like sushi, ramen, or tempura. You can also see people wearing different clothes than you are used to and speaking a different language.

By exploring another culture, you can learn about their history, beliefs, and customs. You might find out that the Japanese value politeness and respect very highly. You might also learn about their religion, Shintoism, and its importance in their everyday life.

Cultural travel can be a great way to understand and appreciate different ways of life. It can also make you more open-minded and understanding of people who are different from you. So, if you ever get a chance to travel to another country, be sure to take some time to learn about their culture!