ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Culture of California

Okay kiddo, California has a lot of different people from all over the world living together. They all have different beliefs, ways of living, and languages. This is called a "culture."

One example of California's culture is their love for healthy food and exercising. People in California love to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, and they also love to go outside and play, like going surfing or biking.

Another part of California's culture is their love for entertainment. Hollywood, which is in California, is where movies and TV shows are made. Many people dream of becoming actors, actresses, or musicians and try to make it big in California.

There are also many different religions in California, from Christianity to Buddhism. People in California respect other people's religions and beliefs.

Lastly, California is also known for its technology industry. This means that many new gadgets and apps are created in California. A lot of people who are interested in computers and electronics want to work in California's technology industry.

Overall, California's culture is a fun and diverse mix of healthy living, entertainment, religion, and technology.