ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Culture of Finland

Finland is a country located in Europe where people have their own special way of doing things which is called "culture." This includes things like what they eat, how they speak, what they wear, and how they celebrate special occasions.

One important aspect of Finnish culture is their love of nature. Finland is known for its beautiful forests and lakes, and many Finnish people enjoy spending time outdoors. They like to go hiking, camping, and fishing. They also have a tradition called "Everyman's Rights," which means that anyone can go explore nature and pick berries and mushrooms in the woods.

Another aspect of Finnish culture is their love of saunas. Saunas are small, wooden rooms where people go to sweat and relax. Finnish people love to take saunas, and it's a common activity for families and friends to do together.

Finnish people are also known for their love of coffee. They consume more coffee per person than any other country in the world! They usually drink it black and without any sugar or milk.

Finnish people celebrate many holidays throughout the year, including Christmas and Midsummer. Midsummer is a holiday in June where people light bonfires and stay up late into the night celebrating. They also have a holiday called Vappu which is celebrated on May 1st, where people wear hats and streamers and go out to party.

Overall, Finnish culture is unique and special because of its love of nature, saunas, coffee, and celebrations.