ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Culture of Popular Laughter

Okay kiddo, do you know what laughing is? It's when we make a funny sound or movement because something makes us happy or amused. And everyone likes laughing, right? Well, it turns out that some types of laughter are more popular than others.

A culture of popular laughter means that people like to laugh at the same things, or in the same way. Just like how you might have a favorite game or TV show that you like to play or watch with your friends, grown-ups have things they like to laugh at together.

This can include jokes that are popular in a certain group or community, like memes or internet videos that everybody thinks are funny. It can also include ways of laughing or making fun of something, like using sarcasm or making silly faces. Some people might even have catchphrases they use to make their friends laugh!

So basically, a culture of popular laughter is just a way of saying that people have shared funny things or behaviors that they enjoy and participate in together. It's like having your very own secret club, but instead of a cool handshake, you all share the same sense of humor!