ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cursus honorum

Cursus honorum is a Latin term that refers to a special path that certain people followed in ancient Rome to become powerful and respected leaders.

It's like a special course that these people had to complete, like going through levels in a video game. You start at the bottom and work your way up. The people who followed this path were usually from noble families, which means they were rich and important.

The first step in the cursus honorum was to become a quaestor. This means you had to manage financial affairs for the government. It's like being in charge of your parents' money when they go on vacation. You have to make sure everything is taken care of and there's enough money for everything.

The next step was to become an aedile. This means you had to be in charge of games and festivals. It's like being in charge of planning a big birthday party or a fun day at school. You have to make sure everyone has a good time and everything runs smoothly.

After that, you would become a praetor. This means you had to be a judge and make sure people followed the law. It's like being a referee in a game. You have to make sure everyone plays by the rules.

Finally, you would become a consul. This is the highest level in the cursus honorum, and it means you're basically in charge of the whole country. It's like being the principal of a school or the president of a country. You have to make sure everything is running well and everyone is happy.

So overall, the cursus honorum was a special path that important and powerful people in ancient Rome had to follow in order to become leaders. They had to start at the bottom and work their way up by managing money, planning fun events, making sure people followed the law, and eventually becoming very important and powerful leaders.