ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Custody of the Holy Land

Okay, so you know how there's this place called the Holy Land which is really important and special to a lot of people because it's where some really important religions started and some really important religious events happened?

Well, a long time ago, different groups of people fought over who should be in charge of this special place. Some groups thought they should be in charge because they had lived there for a long time, and others thought they should be in charge because they thought this place was really important to their religion.

Eventually, different countries and organizations got involved and they worked out a plan where different groups would have control over different parts of the Holy Land. This plan is called the "Custody of the Holy Land".

So basically, this means that certain groups of people are responsible for taking care of certain parts of this important place. They have to make sure that it's kept safe, clean, and that people who want to visit can do so safely. And even though there are still sometimes disagreements about who should be in charge or who has the right to certain parts of the Holy Land, the Custody of the Holy Land helps everyone work together so that people can continue to visit and practice their religions there.