ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cycladic art

Cycladic art is a special kind of art that comes from a group of islands in Greece called the Cyclades. This art is really old, like from thousands of years ago when the Egyptians were building the pyramids! The people who lived on these islands a long time ago made objects out of stone, many of which are shaped like people or animals.

The objects are usually plain and smooth, with simple shapes and lines. Sometimes they have funny shapes, like heads without bodies, or bodies without heads. Many of them are small enough to hold in your hand, like dolls or toys.

Archaeologists think that these objects were made for important ceremonies and rituals, like funerals. People might have put them in tombs with the dead person, to keep them safe in the afterlife.

Even though these objects are very simple, they are also very beautiful in their own way. They show us what people used to care about a long time ago, and how they expressed themselves through art.