ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Keros-Syros culture

Keros-Syros culture is something that happened a really long time ago, like when dinosaurs were around (well not exactly, but you get the idea). People who lived in Greece a really long time ago, around 4000 years ago, were called the Keros-Syros culture people.

They were very special because they liked to make really beautiful things out of stones and metals. They were very good at making shiny, pretty things like bracelets, necklaces, and figurines. They made things that were like treasures because they were so rare and special.

These people liked to live near the sea and they used boats to travel around. They were also very good at growing things like wheat and barley, which they used to make yummy bread.

Even though the Keros-Syros people lived a long time ago, we can still learn about them today by looking at the things they made, like their beautiful jewelry and statues. People today still think they made some of the most amazing things because they were so skilled and talented.