ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Dépeçage is a French word that means "dissection." It's like taking a big thing, like a chicken or a fish, and cutting it up into smaller parts.

Imagine you have a toy train set that you want to take apart. You might use a screwdriver to unscrew the pieces and take them apart one by one. That's kind of like what dépeçage is, but with food.

For example, a chef might take a chicken, remove its head and feet, and then cut it into parts like the breasts, wings, legs, and thighs. Then each part can be cooked in a different way or served separately. This makes it easier to eat and may make it look nicer on the plate too!

Dépeçage can also refer to the process of breaking down larger chunks of meat into different cuts like steak, roasts, or ground beef. This can be done to make sure every piece of meat is used, and also to make sure there is a variety of textures and tastes in a meal.

Overall, dépeçage is just a fancy word for taking apart food into smaller pieces so it can be cooked and eaten more easily.