ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard a loud noise that hurts your ears or makes it hard to hear someone talking to you? Well, our ears can detect different levels of loudness, which we measure in units called decibels (dB).

However, not all sounds are equally loud, and some can be more harmful to our ears than others even if they have the same decibel level. In order to take this into consideration, we use a special kind of decibel measurement called dB(A).

This type of decibel measurement is weighted to take into account the way that our ears hear different frequencies or pitches. Some frequencies, like high-pitched whistles, are more annoying to us than others. So the dB(A) measurement adjusts the decibel level to reflect how our ears perceive different frequencies.

This helps us better understand the potential impact that different noises can have on our hearing and our overall well-being. So next time you hear a loud sound, remember that it's not just the decibel level that matters, but also the frequency of the sound.